2 min readDec 21, 2020


Another first post.

I had a first post on a first blog, a first post on a second blog, a first post on a third and then again on a fourth blog, a first tweet on first twitter account, a first tweet on a second twitter account, a first post on an only Instagram account…. And now, a first post on the first Medium account. I am nothing if not crippled by the urge to start over. Again and again.

A very dear friend of mine suggested I (re)start writing as a means to control my anxiety. Though I strongly suspect she was desperate to escape from the paragraph long texts I send her when the whim struck.

I kept postponing writing. Instead I kept reading. I read a lot about writing. Boy, Does Medium have articles about writing or what. Top 10 tricks, top five tricks, bullet journaling, note taking. Read more, take notes more, morning pages evening pages, left and write. I read them all. Reading about writing and resisting any effort to actually write- if only it were an olympic event(sigh!).

I told myself that I will make writing a New Year Resolution. I will start writing from January 1st and continue on January 2nd and lose the streak on January 3rd and then try again next year, as these things go. I was all set.

And then, I said to myself, I bellowed at my soul, I roared at my consciousness, I stared at the reflection in the mirror and I asked myself.


And then, I wrote. Just like that. I opened up the app on my phone and typed. Just. Like. That. And there is no stopping me now. I will type and type and subject the world once again to the result.

Because it is now or never, as viruses wait for noone.




A heartsparrow. Terrified of bios. Wants to read and write, but instead is addicted to Neflix. Does not help self but reads about it. a lot.